About Us

Who We Are

Bethel is a church where we make disciples, grow spiritually, and believe in community.

Welcome Statement

Bethel welcomes all people who seek an entry point of belonging to Christ's kingdom.

Vision Statement

Inspiring the transformation of people, families, and communities through God's love.

Mission Statement

To build stronger people, families, and communities using ministry to administer God's Spirit to those in need of transformation.

What We Believe

The word "African" means that the church was organized by people of African descent and heritage. It does not mean that the church was founded in Africa. All are welcome. Methodism provides an orderly system of rules and regulations and places emphasis on a plain and simple gospel. Episcopal refers to the form of government under which the church operates. It means that the church is governed by bishops. The Chief executive and administrative offers of the African Methodist Episcopal denomination are the Council of Bishops and the Executive General Officers, who are elected.

The Apostle's Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead; and buried. The third day he arose from the dead’ he ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Church Universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.

Our History

Our church is located at 315 East Fifth Street, New Albany, IN 47150. It is the oldest African-American church in New Albany. Our congregation has a long-standing presence in the community of Floyd County. Our building is one of the Indiana Historic Landmarks. Many congregants live and reside locally. Through our faithfulness, God has blessed us to be a progressive organization centered on the Gospel of Christ. The building speaks to our historical achievements. But we have a 21st century heart to create a place where all people belong.

In 1856, founders of this church worshipped in a home in the vicinity of Naghel Street, known locally as West Union. After being in this area for eight years, the group moved to 2nd and Elm Streets and later to its present location. The building Bethel occupies now was completed and dedicated in 1864 for the German Methodist congregation. This building remained their home until a new church edifice was completed for them at the corner of East Fifth and Spring Streets in 1890. A year prior to its completion (1889), the German congregation sold Bethel's current building to the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church for $3,500. Due to the proximity of the church to the Ohio River, it was not only a place for worship, but also a safe place for African American escaping from the then slave state of Kentucky.

Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church is known as a Christian institution which has wielded a stabilizing influence on our entire community and has been a place of religious spirituality, integrity, culture, and refinement. It is the belief of our congregation and community of believers that if we remain dedicated to our denomination's theme of "God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit our Comforter, Humankind our Family" we will reach our eternal home on high and live forever with our God Father in Heaven.

In August 2021, Bethel A.M.E. Church, New Albany welcomed our 27th Pastor, the Reverend Stacy DeBose-Dyson. Pastor Dyson's vision and focus centers on spiritual inclusivity where "all are accepted, and Christ is exalted!" She is focused and spiritually charged to lead Bethel and the surrounding community on a mission of kingdom growth "Loving God, Loving the People, and Doing the Work!"