Ministries & Organizations

Partner with us on our mission to build stronger people, families, and communities using ministry to administer God's Spirit to those in need of transformation.


Women's Missionary Society

The Women's Missionary Society consists of church members who have volunteered for and are committed to winning souls to Christ, health, and economic peace, and justice. In addition, they encourage members cooperation with the local church in its responsibilities and fostering missionary activities by the local church.

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry consists of a group of men who come together inviting God to move through our gatherings, discussions, and fellowship time. We are devoted to instructing men on how to become effective leaders of the Body of Christ in today's world.

Choir/Music Department

The Choir/Music Department consists of church members who respect and follow the Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Positions such as minister of music, music director, etc. shall be filled by the Pastor. The primary purpose of the choir is to lead the congregation in divine worship through music and song.

youth Liturgical DAnce Team

The Youth Liturgical Dance Team consists of church members who are committed to leading the congregation in divine worship through music and dance.


Deaconesses are church members who are widows or unmarried women of good repute, selected by the pastor. They shall be consecrated by the Bishop of the Episcopal District. Their responsibilities include encouraging and fostering general interests in the church and promoting comfort, friendship, and sympathy of the general public.

Class leaders

Class Leaders are appointed by the Pastor to serve for a period of one year. They are responsible for meeting with church members on a regular frequency to inquire about their general well-being, address needs communicated, and to inform the Pastor of the pulse of the congregation or assigned "class" of members.


Stewardesses are responsible for assisting the Stewards in the discharge of their duties relative to the rituals of baptism and the Lord's Supper by providing the implements and elements of the Holy Communion and Holy Baptism.

Church School/Bible Study

Church School/Bible Study ministry is responsible for Bible teaching and learning which is the foundation for the educational ministry of the Church

Technology Team

Technology Team oversees and manages the technology-related functions affecting the service including the overhead projector and information content as well as the sound system for all services.


Steward Board

The Steward Board are Pastor nominated members of the church responsible for the oversight of the temporal business of the church. The serve for a period of one year. Additionally, they are responsible for tracking and reporting an exact account of all money or other provisions collected for the support of the pastor of the mission, circuit, or station.

Trustee Board

The Trustee Board are members of the church elected by the church members to serve for a period of one year. They are responsible for managing all of the temporal concerns of the church such as real estate, church building, parsonages, schools, and any other property obtained by the local church.

Usher Board

The Usher Board is responsible for welcome worshippers into the sanctuary, assisting with seating as needed, receiving offerings, and attending to the service-related needs of the worshipper.


The Young People's and Children's Department (YPD) is a youth organization under the guidance of the Women’s Missionary Society. Members pledge to aid the needy and suffering regardless of race, color or creed using the Bible as their source and God as their guide. Members would participate in community service projects dealing with topics including but not limited to drug/alcohol abuse, personal development, teenage sexuality, communication/morals.


The Lay Organization of the local church consists of church members formed for the purpose of instilling in the membership of the church a love for, and an appreciation of the history, tradition, and principles of African Methodism.


Christian Education (including the Church School Superintendent and Church School Board) is responsible for teaching, training, disciplining, and forming people in the likeness of Christ. Additionally, it introduces people into the life and mission of the Church.